Passport Applications
The Government of Kenya has been in the process of phasing out the all generation passport following the introduction of the East African E-Passports w.e.f 1st January 2021. Kindly note that old generation passports will not be in the use after 31st December 2021.
Click here to apply
Kenya High Commission, New Delhi is pleased to inform Kenyans residing in India, Singapore, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh that the service of processing of East African Community biometric e-passports commenced on 1st of August 2021.
In this regard, all Kenyans still holding the old generation passports are advised to apply for the biometric e-passports through the e-citizen portal and submit their applications to the embassy for processing.
Steps of Application
- Create an e-citizen account on (for those without an account).
- Click on the Directorate of Immigration Services tab.
- Carefully read the instructions before filling the application form.
- After filling kindly go over the form carefully before uploading the required documents.
- Submit your application form. Take note of the notification for payment.
- Select the preferred mode of payment and pay the fee indicated on the notification.
- Download and printout both the application form and payment advise.
- Submit the application form and payment invoice in person to the Embassy with the duly signed recommender’s form.
Notes :
- The documents for uploading MUST be scanned and saved in JPEG or PNG format only.
- Kenyan Passport or Travel Document issued to Kenyan citizens remains the property of the Government of Kenya. They are valuable documents which should not be altered in any way. They MUST remain in the possession of its holder(s) until such a time when there is lawful cause for withdrawal, suspension or confiscation.
- Processing time: 8 Weeks.
Please book your appointment through email at or by calling +91-149518050
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